All day with consumer

Our everyday actions are based on implicit rules, which only a few of us pay attention to or are aware of. That’s why spending an entire day at the consumers’ home helps to dig into the underlying contents of their behaviour.

Only by sharing, even temporarily, the consumer’s day-to-day life, can the researcher try and overcome the problem of asymmetry in the rapport with the subject under study.

“All day with consumers” is a sort of science of the everyday world. It is based on a common-sense, practical approach using the qualitative method enhanceds by observations and evidence drawn from the concrete setting of the subject under study and the surrounding environment.

The main technique is the Participant Observation, that studies the way in which ordinary people decode the surrounding world, in order to interact with it, and give meaning to their own and others’ behaviour.

The researcher gets directly involved in the reality to be studied, for a relatively long period of time (an entire day) and establishes a rapport of personal interaction with the social group members. The goal is to describe their actions and understand their underlying motivations through a process of self-identification.